Friday, December 30, 2011

i found my doctor

I'm sitting at Quest Diagnostics right now. The new doctor ordered blood work, including the 3 hour glucose test. Maybe because it's holiday time, but I seriously lucked up--I'm used to these blood suckers overflowing with people but today there were only two in front of me and my appointment began right on time. The blood sucker said she would leave me just enough blood to walk out the door. She had to draw a ton! She offered me the waiting room with recliners and since no one else is here I accepted, turned the lights off and shut the door. For the first hour interval I laid here quietly reflecting on the reason I am here. This is for a baby. My baby. Maybe even babies. I thought about how much I love them already, although they aren't yet here. Is that psycho? I used to be scared to have sweet, positive thoughts and believe that perhaps one day I would indeed get to be a mom, too. I know life will be okay if it never happens but I also know I don't want to be completely blind sided if it does happen. I believe in God's most perfect will and I am prepared for whatever He gives me.

The new doctor I went to was amazing. After even just signing in and giving my urine sample I already knew this would be my office. The office is big and the decor is fabulous. The staff were a plenty and always helpful. And then I met the doctor and he is just kind and down to earth and he explains things. He explained the testing we would be doing and what our next steps would be. He gave me a sheet and marked the tasks I needed to complete--I appreciate this, a to do sheet is really helpful since this process can seem so overwhelming. In 2 weeks I go in to discuss the results of the lab results I am currently suffering through (and starving!) and then 2 days after that I go in for an ultrasound. I am especially excited and scared about the ultrasound. I haven't had one in 1 to 2 years so I'm curious to see what is going on in there. I'm wondering if I'll have cysts that will need to be removed or anything else funky. Fingers crossed :)

I found this doctor after a few people on a message board suggested him. I combed over the internet searching for info on him and all was good! I saw his picture on his website. 30's, possibly Jewish...I liked him already. I went out with a 30-something Jewish lawyer before I married my husband. Being from the South you don't meet tons of Jews to be honest. I still feel kindly towards the lawyer, he was very sharp but also very down to earth. I was hoping that this possibly Jewish doctor would be like him. I don't even know if the doctor is a Jew, after meeting him--but I had high expectations as to the personality he would have and he totally met them. I'm not sure that one has anything to do with the other though (haha), I was just hoping he would be the kind of Jew I knew. And he was......except he may not even be Jewish

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