Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Juicy News Here

Wow, I can't believe it's been an entire year since my last post--where does the time go? The last year has been crazy and hectic and no fertility treatments have taken place. But fret not, it's about to happen, for real!

 I finished hair school with flying colors and went on to work in a private salon for a bit and then moved to a chain salon. You know the kind where they brainwash you, use up your talents and then dispose of you. Okay maybe that's a bit dramatic. It WAS a fabulous learning experience and my coworkers for the most part were fantastic wonderful people and probably long term friends. But the company itself, let's just say I'm a little too independent and rebellious for those antics. Anyway, in short, my past year was full of learning the hair business, LOTS.OF.LEARNING, lots of anxiety, and mostly just trying to keep my head above water in a new world.

 You know that RE I found? While I don't doubt their abilities, I find myself frustrated with them more than happy and that's not cool. We were on the IVF track due to my husband having had a vasectomy but something felt wrong about it to me. I started praying about it in a very concentrated way and I knew that it felt wrong because it was wrong for us. It wasn't what God intended. I'm not saying IVF is bad by any stretch, but it wasn't in OUR cards.

 A 2,500 dollar surgery is required in order to retrieve sperm post vasectomy and it's a one shot deal. IVF has to be performed with the goods retrieved so obviously that wasn't going to work for us. We found a doctor in the great state of Oklahoma who exclusively performs vasectomy reversals at a SUPER decent rate and in September we took a long journey to his office. This journey required over 40 total hours of driving and nothing went wrong. I took it as a sign that God had blessed this trip, this surgery, and that we were doing exactly what we were supposed to. The doctor, a peculiar man, but a seemingly honorable and Christian guy prayed over the surgery with us and made it known that the Lord was the great physician, not he. It felt so good knowing that our doctor was being guided by divine hands! His name is Dr. David Wilson for anyone who is interested. :)  Be prepared for a waiting list but your turn will come and it will be worth it.

 Of course after a vasectomy reversal you have to wait a few months before you can check the goods to make sure it worked. Well we waited and we checked and I am happy to announce my husband has happy little swimmers....tmi? And I'm not sure I mentioned that I have been on metformin the past year to control my insulin resistance. So basically in terms of fertility stuff, we spent the year saving up and waiting for the vasectomy reversal and me trying to adjust to a medication that makes me ill. Now let's talk for a minute about this RE's office, it's nice, pretty, and pleasant but at a price. Anytime you so much as put a foot, just one foot, not both, inside that office you better be ready to cough up a sixty dollar copay. Oh we ordered labs two weeks ago at your appointment? Come back so we can give you the results, that'll cost you 60. Oh so you need a refill, come in, we'll hook you up, 60 dollars please. It's like they just drag things out for the sake of making you spend more. Like I said earlier, I don't doubt their abilities or good reputation, I do however doubt their communication abilities. I really can't put into words the frustrations I've felt with them, I'd had to go into my memory bank to remember the conversations to write down and I'm really not in the mood to dwell..........So here's the good news........

 I needed a yearly and a new ob/gyn. The ob office I've frequented since forever doesn't tickle my fancy either. In case you haven't noticed, I am quick to leave a doctor. We pay A LOT of money for our good insurance and I expect the best. Doctors have a way of being cold and impersonal and I get it, they are busy and probably have bigger problems to deal with than mine BUT that doesn't work for me. So last week I went on a long internet search for the best doctors in my area. I read every review I could possibly find and finally settled on a doctor whose office is 26 miles away but so far he was worth every single mile. I've never been to an ob where you get to go into the doctors office (like his real office, you know the one with his books, computer, personal photos). I got to shake his hand and chat for a few before I was taken into the exam room, told to strip down, and get violated, in the most non-violating way of course. And then after I was violated I was taken back into his office where we chatted for a long time. He was seriously perfect. As our conversation came to an end I found myself looking into his eyes saying "thank you" in a sweet, genuinely grateful tone. I'm not sure I have ever felt that way about a doctor. He is a little older and thorough and patient and kind and nonjudgmental and his staff were all great too. The nurse and I chatted as if we were old neighbors. It was just comfortable. I was sort of floating on cloud 9 as I walked out of the office at which time the doctor himself came running after me, calling me by name! What?? In what world? He was coming to give me the price list for his IUI's which he has been performing since the IUI was invented. I had been given a general price which I was satisfied with so I kind of forgot that I had asked for a written price list. Turns out, his price per IUI is about 70% cheaper than at the RE's office and we can get started right away. The doctor knew I had an RE and was going to be treated there so he didn't really tell me anything about his IUI experience. I pushed the conversation that way because I liked him so much I wanted to see what he was made of. I can get 3 and 1/2  IUI's for the price of one - I mean wow! Thank you JESUS!

 So!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good ole doc gave me a 5 day script for Provera to bring on friendly aunt flo, 3 days into her I start Femara for 5 days, and then a few days after that I start using ovulation predictor tests. Once that test shows positive, we go in the next day for insemination. Oh oh husband HATED the RE's office little room for making "deposits"-- he even sent me pictures of creepy sexy pictures on the walls. He was really dreading having to go into that room again. I shared this information with DR S (we will call him DR S from now on) and he said that I could go into the room with my husband at his office and asked if that would make it better. Um yeah! (insert dirty comment that I won't actually write, here)

Off to the races...........I promise to update often! I LOVE reading the full story of fertility treatments. I promise to contribute to this cause. Be blessed, ya'll!

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